The battle cats wiki nerd cat
The battle cats wiki nerd cat

the battle cats wiki nerd cat

The Alcoholic: A few cats can be seen drinking, but Adult Cat takes the cake for biggest drunk.The Japanese version doesn't have this option. note This option only exists in the English version. Notably, before 11.2, this doesn't have a limit as to how many of these ads you can watch in a single day, meaning that you can, theoretically, get hundreds of Catfood just by watching hours of ads, though with the arrival of version 11.2, this has since been given a limit of 5 of these ads per day.

the battle cats wiki nerd cat

On the screen where you can purchase Catfood with real money, there's an option in it that lets you watch an ad for +1 Catfood.As well as the +1 Catfood too, for some reason. If you're lucky with the Cat Shrine's Fortunes however, it can temporarily be upgraded to a Great Fortune, which, while still only giving you only 1 of said item, gives you more worthwhile rewards, which include all Catseye types (including the Legend Catseyes), Leaderships (An energy refill item), Rich Cats, and Treasure Radars. When tapped on, you're offered to watch an ad to get +1 of a Catseye of any type (except Legend Catseyes), Base Material of any type, or Catfood, though the latter 2 rewards are very underwhelming considering that you'll need a lot more than that in order to get some use out of them. In the Gamatoto screen, an item bag may appear.This can only be used once every 6 hours. Once your energy drops too low, you'll get a prompt above the energy tab that, when tapped on, offers you to watch an ad to recover energy equal to 20% of your max energy capacity.Achievement System: 9.0 introduced Meow Medals, which essentially act as this trope.Absurdly Low Level Cap: Metal Cat caps at level 20 no matter what.Cats from the Rare Capsule, however, have much higher limits in a game where Cats at level 30 or 40 are adequate for most stages, Rare Cats cap at level 130, Super Rares cap at 120, and Ubers at 110. Absurdly High Level Cap: Normal Cats cap out at level 110, which is reasonable considering how weak they are at low levels.

The battle cats wiki nerd cat